My Life Invented
B L O GTravel

Don’t Let Pain Stop You
Don't Let Pain Stop You A few weeks ago, one of my friends (a mother of three) texted and said, "I NEED to go on a trip somewhere." So I said, "Let's go!" Then I said, "Where should we go?" Hummm. It turns out, her family had a hunting camp near Tylertown,...

Hot Springs Healing Waters
Hot Springs Healing Waters I love water but I usually prefer large bodies of it, so when my girlfriends and I planned a girls getaway to Hot Springs Arkansas, I was excited to visit a new place but I was more excited for the chance to spend time with my besties.I'm...

Video Fasting – Eight Days of No TV
Video Fasting - Eight Days of No TV Do you ever feel like it's time to do a fast or cleanse or just eat healthy for a week to give your body a break form too much junk food or sweets? I began to feel that way a little over a week ago but I realized it wasn't just food...

The Miraculous Thing
The Miraculous Thing that Allowed me to Create Thousands of Dollars to Send to my Favorite Charity Think about your favorite charity. Now imagine being able to create thousands of dollars that you can give to that charity. I was given the opportunity to do something...
Lessons with Ava

The Tooth Fairy
The Tooth Fairy This story is best told by Ava but I'll give you the full story. Ava's second loose tooth just wouldn't come out so it had to be pulled by a dentist. That night, Ava was so excited for the tooth fairy to come. The tooth fairy had gotten a little...

Stop Touching Things!
How to Get Your Child to Stop Touching Things in the Waiting Room. Back before germs were a big deal, my daughter Ava, who had just turned three, was sick with something and we ended up in the Doctor's office. Although she was sick, it wasn't taking her down. In fact,...

How to Change your Facebook Live Thumbnail in 2021
How to Change Your Facebook Live Thumbnail in 2021 When you learn how to do this it is life changing! Well maybe not, but it is very satisfying. The best part is, it's easy once you know how to do it. Here's how:1. Go to your FaceBook Page 2. Click on Videos 3. In the...

Build on Rock – Not YouTube
Build on Rock - Not YouTube Being an intuitive person, I tend to pay attention when I see patterns repeating in my life, especially messages. You know, like when you have two random people tell you the exact same thing within days or hours of each other. Well...
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